António Teodoro is Full Professor of Sociology of Education and Comparative Education at Lusófona University, Lisbon, Director of Institute of Education, and scientific coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development (CeiED). He has a Bachelor’s in Physical Education (INEF 1972), a Master and a PhD in Education Sciences (NOVA University 1989 and 1999). He also has ‘Agregação’ in Comparative Education (Lusófona, 2009).
In 1974, he was one of the young navy officers who put an end to the dictatorships that shamed Europe, thus allowing the democratization of Portugal and the independence of its African colonies. He also actively participated in the democratization of education, namely as Chief-Inspector of Primary Education in the revolutionary period (1974 - 1975).
He was a founding member of the teachers' union movement (1971-1974), President of the Board of the Lisbon Region Teachers' Union SPGL (SPGL 1979-1989), and Secretary General of the National Teachers' Federation, (FENPROF 1983-1994), the largest Portuguese teachers' union. At international level, he was a member of the European Committee of the World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession, CMOPE/WCOTP (1988-1992) and of the European Committee of Education International (1993-1994).
Teodoro was founder-member of the Portuguese National Education Council (1988 – 1994), and later consultant to the Council of Ministers for Education, Training, Culture and Science (1995-1999) of the Cabinet of the then Prime Minister António Guterres, the current UN General Secretary.
After returning to university and academic life exclusively, he did his PhD with a thesis on the Political Construction of Education in the 19th and 20th centuries, and developed an intense academic and scientific activity, at the University and at national and international level. At Lusofona University, he founded the Institute of Education and was the conceptualizer and first director of the Bachelor's Degree in Educational Sciences (1997), the Master's Degree in Educational Sciences (1998) and the Doctorate in Education (2007). In 1997, he also founded the Observatory of Education Policies and Education Contexts, the first R&D Unit, predecessor of the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development (CeiED).
Teodoro contributed to a high level of internationalization of the social sciences of education. He is a co-founder of Portuguese Paulo Freire Institute (with S. Stoer, L. Lima and L. Cortesão) and one of the founders of the Portuguese Society of Comparative Education. Now, he is a member of the Executive Committee of the World Council of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES). Before this, for more than 10 years, he was a member of the Board and Vice-President for Europe of the Research Committee of Sociology of Education of the International Sociological Association (ISA).
Regarding his R&D activities, after 2007 Teodoro coordinated the Ibero-American Network for Education Policy Research (RIAIPE), first, with the support of CYTED (OEI 2007-2010), and secondly with the founding of the European Commission: RIAIPE 3 - Inter-University Framework Programme for Equity and Social Cohesion Policies in Higher Education (Alfa Program, EuropeAid/129877/C/ACT/Multi) 2010-2013; and, TO INN – From tradition to innovation in teacher training institutions (573685-EPP-1- 2016-1-ES-EPPKA2) 2016-2019, with the University of Barcelona.
As a researcher, he has wide experience in leading and participating in FCT-funded projects: - 2000-2004, The construction of the teaching profession in secondary education, 1947-1974. Formations, paths, identities (POCTI/CED/32564/2000), Principal Investigator;
- 2004-2006, Educating the Global Citizen: Globalization, Educational Reform and the Politics of Equity and Inclusion in 12 Countries. The Portuguese case (POCI/CED/56992/2004), Principal Investigator;
- 2010-2013, Public school teachers and their professional and labor associations: the reconstruction of identities and discourses (PTDC/CSSOC/ 100589/2008), Investigator;
- 2018-2022, A success story? Portugal and the PISA, 2000-2015 (PTDC/CED-EDG/30084/2017), Principal Investigator.
Teodoro is a member of the Scientific Council of the Education Doctoral Programme of Masaryk University, Czech Republic, and evaluator of the National Science Centre, from Poland, CONICYT, from Chile, and Agencia I+D+i, from Argentina. He is the founding director of Revista Lusófona de Educação (the most international education journal published in Portugal) and member of the Editorial Board of dozens of journals in Portugal, Brazil, US (including the American Journal of Educational Research), Czech Republic and France.
His scientific production in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese has a high impact (h index 30, i10 Index 65, 4103 citations), and is published by Routledge, Sense/Brill, Rowmann & Litlefield, or Springer, and in the most relevant Latin American publishers (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico).
António Teodoro is Full Professor of Sociology of Education and Comparative Education at Lusófona University, Lisbon, Director of Institute of Education, and scientific coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development (CeiED). He has a Bachelor’s in Physical Education (INEF 1972), a Master and a PhD in Education Sciences (NOVA University 1989 and 1999). He also has ‘Agregação’ in Comparative Education (Lusófona, 2009).
In 1974, he was one of the young navy officers who put an end to the dictatorships that shamed Europe, thus allowing the democratization of Portugal and the independence of its African colonies. He also actively participated in the democratization of education, namely as Chief-Inspector of Primary Education in the revolutionary period (1974 - 1975).
He was a founding member of the teachers' union movement (1971-1974), President of the Board of the Lisbon Region Teachers' Union SPGL (SPGL 1979-1989), and Secretary General of the National Teachers' Federation, (FENPROF 1983-1994), the largest Portuguese teachers' union. At international level, he was a member of the European Committee of the World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession, CMOPE/WCOTP (1988-1992) and of the European Committee of Education International (1993-1994).
Teodoro was founder-member of the Portuguese National Education Council (1988 – 1994), and later consultant to the Council of Ministers for Education, Training, Culture and Science (1995-1999) of the Cabinet of the then Prime Minister António Guterres, the current UN General Secretary.
After returning to university and academic life exclusively, he did his PhD with a thesis on the Political Construction of Education in the 19th and 20th centuries, and developed an intense academic and scientific activity, at the University and at national and international level. At Lusofona University, he founded the Institute of Education and was the conceptualizer and first director of the Bachelor's Degree in Educational Sciences (1997), the Master's Degree in Educational Sciences (1998) and the Doctorate in Education (2007). In 1997, he also founded the Observatory of Education Policies and Education Contexts, the first R&D Unit, predecessor of the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development (CeiED).
Teodoro contributed to a high level of internationalization of the social sciences of education. He is a co-founder of Portuguese Paulo Freire Institute (with S. Stoer, L. Lima and L. Cortesão) and one of the founders of the Portuguese Society of Comparative Education. Now, he is a member of the Executive Committee of the World Council of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES). Before this, for more than 10 years, he was a member of the Board and Vice-President for Europe of the Research Committee of Sociology of Education of the International Sociological Association (ISA).
Regarding his R&D activities, after 2007 Teodoro coordinated the Ibero-American Network for Education Policy Research (RIAIPE), first, with the support of CYTED (OEI 2007-2010), and secondly with the founding of the European Commission: RIAIPE 3 - Inter-University Framework Programme for Equity and Social Cohesion Policies in Higher Education (Alfa Program, EuropeAid/129877/C/ACT/Multi) 2010-2013; and, TO INN – From tradition to innovation in teacher training institutions (573685-EPP-1- 2016-1-ES-EPPKA2) 2016-2019, with the University of Barcelona.
As a researcher, he has wide experience in leading and participating in FCT-funded projects:
- 2000-2004, The construction of the teaching profession in secondary education, 1947-1974. Formations, paths, identities (POCTI/CED/32564/2000), Principal Investigator;
- 2004-2006, Educating the Global Citizen: Globalization, Educational Reform and the Politics of Equity and Inclusion in 12 Countries. The Portuguese case (POCI/CED/56992/2004), Principal Investigator;
- 2010-2013, Public school teachers and their professional and labor associations: the reconstruction of identities and discourses (PTDC/CSSOC/ 100589/2008), Investigator;
- 2018-2022, A success story? Portugal and the PISA, 2000-2015 (PTDC/CED-EDG/30084/2017), Principal Investigator.
Teodoro is a member of the Scientific Council of the Education Doctoral Programme of Masaryk University, Czech Republic, and evaluator of the National Science Centre, from Poland, CONICYT, from Chile, and Agencia I+D+i, from Argentina. He is the founding director of Revista Lusófona de Educação (the most international education journal published in Portugal) and member of the Editorial Board of dozens of journals in Portugal, Brazil, US (including the American Journal of Educational Research), Czech Republic and France.
His scientific production in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese has a high impact (h index 30, i10 Index 65, 4103 citations), and is published by Routledge, Sense/Brill, Rowmann & Litlefield, or Springer, and in the most relevant Latin American publishers (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico).